Wauwatosa Window Restoration

Name: Window Restoration & Tuning

Location: Waukesha, WI

Problem: The home’s old, original double hung windows had either painted or were missing sash cords and in need of restoration.

Solution Provided: We proposed work involving a comprehensive restoration and refurbishment of the windows on both the interior and exterior finishes. On the interior, the sashes were examined and painted as needed, with some requiring stripping and others just scuff sanding. The windows were removed for this process, and if necessary, temporary boarding was used for protection. The exterior finish required extensive work, with existing paint being stripped down to the bare surface, cleaned, primed, and repainted.

In terms of glazing, any failing glazing surrounding the glass was removed and replaced, followed by painting to match the sash after it had hardened. Broken glass was replaced, and all remaining glass was cleaned. Damaged wood was addressed using Abatron Wood Restoration 2 Part Epoxy repair, which involved removing deteriorated wood, consolidating it with liquid epoxy, and shaping it with epoxy putty. When necessary, material was replaced to match the existing wood.

Joinery work included re-securing any loose joinery, while hardware was replaced with high-quality brass clamshell and pull hardware to maintain consistency. The windows were also tuned for improved operability and efficiency, with various tasks such as affixing the top sash securely, replacing sash cords, adjusting weights of lower sashes, and adjusting window stops. Weatherstripping was added where missing or damaged, using metal interlocking weather stripping and a routed vinyl gasket between sash meeting rails. Finally, any trim “window stops” that were removed for accessing the sashes received touch-up painting as needed.

Wauwatosa Window Restoration
Wauwatosa Window Restoration
Wauwatosa Window Restoration

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