How many years have you been in the industry? 

Melanie: Since July of 2021, so less than a year

Are you an early bird or night owl? 

Melanie: I’m an early bird

What were your first jobs? 

Melanie: I did seasonal work at old navy and drove a tractor for an apple orchard – I did little tours for kids, it was a very good job during college 

What’s the biggest misconception about your industry? 

Melanie: It’s tough because I had a lot of baggage coming into this. I feel nervous because I didn’t expect to be part of the trades at all – it’s not something that anyone in my family does, they are more business people. I think there is a lot of stigma around what’s considered a “good job”. 

What advice would you give your teenage self? 

Melanie: Stop messing around with boys and think about what you want to do 

What’s the one thing people don’t know about you? 

Melanie: I speak mandarin – that’s a fun fact about me 

What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? 

Melanie: That I have a good sense of design and this was from someone who had never really given out compliments, so it meant a lot at the time. Also a professor called me “cheeky monkey” once and I consider that a compliment. 

Why do you like working with Thoughtful Craftsmen? 

Melanie: It’s the first job I’ve had where it wasn’t completely screwing with my mental health. It feels like a very education forward company where you can look at employees

here and no matter their skill level they are always learning new things – people want you to grow in your trade here. We spend so much time making things just so because quality is a huge part of what we do, so when you learn something new, you know you’re learning it the correct way.